Upgraded Account FAQ

Answers to frequently asked questions about upgraded accounts

2 min read

What benefits come with an upgrade from the free membership?

Upgrading your E1 membership unlocks several key features:

  • Access to projects of greater value: see project leads over $5 million

  • Full project access: Viewing all project information, including builder details and documents, within purchased states or territories.

  • Access to awarded contractor information: Detailed project insights including builder details and documents in the "Awarded" stage for purchased states or territories

  • Access to subcontractor details: The Subbie Connect feature highlights interested and relevant subbies to help you connect and get in front of the right people

  • Promote your business to relevant subcontractors: The Share and Connect feature highlights your details to matched subbies to showcase your business

  • Increased Speci-Finder keywords Helping you to efficiently and automatically locate the right projects. From 3 for Starter licences to 10 for Standard license and 20 for Professional and Professional Plus licences.

  • Additional Watchlist Features: Enables project assignment to team members for improved workflow management

  • Estimated construction dates access: Provides visibility on project start and end dates as added by builders

  • Calendar sync: Integration with iPhone, Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook to set reminders for watchlisted projects

  • Consultant details: A Professional or Professional Plus license grants access to consultant information on a project and Consultant Insight reports, to help you analyse and drive specifications

How do these features benefit my business?

  • Viewing higher value projects:

    Particularly advantageous for suppliers with capacity for larger projects, offering increased quantities and opportunities. For example, an electrical supplier can supply 20 power points for a house or 2,000 power points for a $100m tower in the CBD.

  • Identifying winning builders:

    This is particularly beneficial if you've been following a project for a while, you've priced at tender stage, but haven't heard back from anyone about your quote in some time. Due to the nature of construction, suppliers are often the last to be notified, which may not give you enough lead time.

    For example, a furniture supplier knows a specified item has a 16-week lead time. Once a builder is awarded, the supplier can find the winning builder on E1 and let them know that the item needs to be ordered long in advance. Without knowing the winning builder, the supplier may be passed off to a competitor with a smaller lead time.

  • Speci-Finder automation:

    Streamlines lead generation and qualification processes, minimising manual searches and leveraging E1โ€™s capabilities for efficient sourcing. A greater number of keywords ensures you can let E1 do the heavy lifting when it comes to finding projects of interest.

  • Connect with and promote your business to aubcontractors:

    The Subbie Connect feature highlights interested subbies on projects that match your trades, increasing your chance of being discovered by the right customers. Use Share and Connect to promote your business where your products or specified, or you offer equivalent products.

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