Market Insights Guide

A guide to the E1 Market Insights feature

4 min read
  1. Welcome to Market Insights
  2. Video Guide
  3. What is Market Insights?
  4. Accessing Market Insights
  5. Understanding the Dashboard
  6. Using the Data
  7. Best Practices for Using Market Insights
  8. Data Source and Updates
  9. Exporting and Printing Charts
  10. Internal Use Only
  11. Inviting Colleagues
  12. Specification Insights

Welcome to Market Insights

Welcome to the Market Insights feature on E1! Our goal is to provide you with valuable data and analytics to help you make informed decisions about your business. This guide will walk you through the key functionalities and how to get the most out of this feature.

Video Guide

What is Market Insights?

E1’s Market Insights enables you to understand how the commercial tender market has performed over the last five quarters in terms of the volume of tenders and the average tender project budgets, at a national, state, and category level.

The intention is to provide you with context for your own sales results and to assist in identifying areas of opportunity.

Accessing Market Insights

Market Insights is available to supplier customers with a Professional Plus subscription.

  1. Login to Your Account:
    • Go to the E1 website and log in with your account credentials.
  1. Navigate to Market Insights:
    • Once logged in, navigate to the Insights tab on the main navigation menu. Click on it, and then click on the Market tab below to access the Market Insights data.

Understanding the Dashboard

The Market Insights dashboard is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of market trends and data, and it’s based on all of the publicly listed tenders on our site. Here’s a breakdown of the key sections:

Trend in Tender Project Volume and Budget

The trend in the total volume of tenders and the trend in the average tender project budget for the past 5 calendar year quarters. We’ll show you the average project value and volumes per quarter at a national level.

Hovering over each of the data points will show the specific numbers for that period.

Tender Volumes by State

The total volume of tenders for each Australian state, broken down by calendar quarter for the past 5 quarters.

Hovering over each of the columns will show the specific project volumes for that period.

Example of single state x past 5 quarters

Average Tender Project Budget by State

The average budget of projects for each Australian state, broken down by calendar quarter for the past 5 quarters.

Hovering over each of the columns will show the specific average project values for that period.

Example of single state x past 5 quarters

Trend in Category Share

The percentage split of each E1 project category for the past 5 calendar quarters, at a national level. Each colour bar represents a project category.

Hovering over the colour bar will reveal the percentage portion of total projects in that category for the quarter, the volume of projects in that category for the quarter, and the average project value for the category in that quarter.

Example of a single quarter at a national level, each bar in the column represents a project category

Category Share by State 

The percentage split of each E1 project category for the past complete calendar year by each Australian state. Each colour bar represents a project category.

Hovering over the colour bar will reveal the percentage portion of total projects in that category for the year, the volume of projects in that category for the year, and the average project value for the category in the calendar year.

Example of a single state, each bar in the column represents a project category

Using the Data

Making Informed Decisions:

Use the data provided to make informed decisions about human resources, areas of opportunity and market strategy.

Identifying Opportunities:

Spot emerging trends and identify new opportunities to grow your business.

Performance Improvement:

Use performance metrics and benchmarking data to identify areas for improvement and set actionable goals.

Performance evaluation:

Compare your individual business performance in Specification Insights to compare against market trends to evaluate if performance is in line with or out performing or under performing against the market.

Best Practices for Using Market Insights

Look at the Trends:

Compare the trends in Market Insights data with your own sales data to see if you are following market trends, outperforming the market, or identifying opportunities for growth.

Focus Your Sales Efforts:

Determine if you need to focus your sales efforts in a particular state or project category (e.g. education sector) or if there are opportunities for growth in another state or emerging category.

Data Source and Updates

Data Source:

Market Insights utilises information from all the public commercial tenders listed on the E1 platform, based on information provided by builders.

Quarterly Updates:

Charts are updated quarterly. At 8am on the first day of the next quarter, a new quarterly data point is added. For example, at 8am on October 1, 2024, Q3 2024 data will be added to the charts.


Quarters run with the calendar year. For example, Q1 comprises January, February, and March.

Exporting and Printing Charts

Currently, we do not have the capability for you to download and/or print the charts. We suggest using print screen capabilities to make a copy for use in your internal documents.

Internal Use Only

Market Insights are provided for internal business purposes only and should not be used in external marketing materials.

Inviting Colleagues

If your colleague doesn’t use E1 but would like to gain access to Market Insights, you can click on the Invite User button at the top of the Market Insights page to invite them directly to your team.

Specification Insights

To understand more about the trend in the specification of your brand/products, head to the Specification Insights tab to dive into keyword-specific data on demand.

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