Subbie Connect Tutorial Video

A step-by-step tutorial of the Subbie Connect features

1 min read

This 6-minute video will take you through the Subbie Connect feature in detail, and cover the following key learnings:

  1. Where to find the Subbie Connect details on a project
  1. Identifying how many subcontractors are interested and matched by trade
  1. Adding projects to the Watchlist
  1. Unlocking and viewing subbie profile and contact information
  1. Using credits
  1. Viewing credit balances
  1. How to promote your business to matched subbies
  1. How to publish details of your specified and/or equivalent products and key project contact details when using the Promote Products feature
  1. How to view which subbies have viewed your information at a project level
  1. Viewing engagement and subbie info on the Watchlist
  1. How to assign a different team contact to a project
  1. Tracking credit activity at a team level
  1. How to manage trades and email notifications in your Settings

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